Choose from a variety of $20 raffles
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1 hr CranioSacral Therapy Session
with Etienne Peirsman
The founder of Peirsman CranioSacral no longer gives session to the public. Here's your chance. Etienne's work encompasses the best of both the Upledger and Biodynamic models, combined with his experience as a mediator of over 40 years.
Price N/A

CranioSacral 4-Day Class
with Etienne Peirsman
Your choice of 4-Day CranioSacral Therapy class at the Peirsman CranioSacral School in New Mexico. Accommodation included. Class offers 32 CEUS for LMTs.
$900+ value

Weekend stay for 7 guests
A weekend stay for you and your family/friends at the BDH glampground (May-Oct). Breakfast and two group yoga classes included. Bodywork sessions available at an extra cost.
$600+ value

7-night vacation at "No Visitors"
Airbnb in Brevard, NC
Brevard, the Land of Waterfalls, lies in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina. A destination for hikers, bikers, and riders - access to Dupont State Forest is from "No Visitors'" backyard.
$900+ Value

Cranio Marma Ki (3 sessions)
with Leila G. von Stein
Leila G. von Stein, LMT, C. Ay, CYT, and CST practitioner, is found of Blue Desert Hale and Peirsman CranioSacral's program coodinator. She blends her studies of CranioSacral Therapy, Ayurveda and Marma Therapy, and Reiki into a holistic therapy she calls Cranio Marma Ki.
$350 + Value